Monday, August 11, 2008

Savings Account Scam for Accidents

OK, here's my take on the $1 per hour deduction for your qoute savings account to cover the deductible if you have an accident. First off, I am not sure Midwest can legally charge you the deductible on an accident. As employers assume a certain amount of risk, that employees may cause them a lose. That would be like if you are the doorman at a hotel, and you accidentally damaged some one's luggage the hotel charges that employee $500. The problem here is it was an accident, not negligence in the course of ones duties. If any of you have been charged this amount, for $17 you can go to small claims court in St. Louis County and you may stand a very good chance of getting your money back. I know some employers like to charge their employees for expenses, and will do so as long as they can get a way with it or should I say caught. But the good employers do not try to hustle their employees.

Next, I count up to as many as 47 employees on the roster at times. If each employee meets their savings account minimum, that means Midwest is operating on your money of $500 each times 47 for a total of $23,500 of free money, interest free. So essentially you are loaning them $500 of your money because this may not be exactly legal. This is not to be confused with deposits or charge backs for uniforms. That is perfectly legal and normal for many employment situations. I got to tell you, if Midwest had tried to take my money for an accident, I can assure you this matter would have been settled in smalls claim court. And in the employee hand out it says they will refund this amount to you when you are no longer employed by Midwest. Well, I have yet to get my money back from the so called savings account.

Finally, there is a problem here on the minimum wage issue as an employer can not take deductions from your pay that put you below Missouri's minimum hourly wage. I'll discuss the correct minimum pay in the minimum pay topic.

I will try to research this more and update this post. But personally, I think it is a hustle and another way to get free money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked for Midwest Valet in the summer of 2008. They were extremely unprofessional and complete assholes. If anyone does not get their check on time, report them to the missouri department of labor. I did and my check was received within days. I curbed a rim and greg expected me to cover a 1,000 charge so i quit. I found out legally, I am not responsible for a penny of any accident that happens on their watch. They are by far the worst employer I've ever had.